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Unibra present at MIPIM in Cannes

From 12 to 15 March you can find us at MIPIM in Cannes! A delegation of the Unibra Group will be present at MIPIM to meet our contacts, join interesting lectures and get to know other investors, developers and professionals. General Counsel (member of the Executive Committee) Marjolein Beynsberger (marjolein.beynsberger@unibra.com), Head of Sales & Marketing Miranda De Bie (miranda.debie@unibra.com), Portfolio Manager Unibra Real Estate Giselle Durán (giselle.duran@unibra.com) and Head of Development Real Estate Geneviève Vernimmen (genevieve.vernimmen@unibra.com),
and will attend the whole event. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to meet us and say hi!

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