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A strategic partnership with Thomas & Piron Bâtiment for the new "Parc d'Enhaive" neighbourhood in Namur

Unibra Real Estate recently joined forces with Thomas & Piron Bâtiment in the ambitious development of the Parc d'Enhaive project located in Jambes (Namur).

This project represents a significant milestone in our relationship with Thomas & Piron Bâtiment. On the strength of our successful experience in previous projects in Waterloo and Auderghem, we are once again pooling our skills to complete this landmark project, which reflects the flexibility and robustness required in today's real estate market.

As initially planned, the project will include the construction of around 350 residences, a school, neighbourhood shops and a public park, covering a total surface area of 3.2 hectares.

The two developers' goal is to design an innovative and sustainable living space that will create value not only for the project's immediate surroundings, but also for the entire city of Namur and its residents. Parc d'Enhaive aims to be the first Namur neighbourhood to achieve "zero carbon" status, thanks in part to its use of geothermal energy.

The project represents an overall investment of nearly 150 million euros.

The road works will get underway in June and construction of the buildings is expected to start in August 2024.

For further information: Sales & Marketing Manager Miranda De Bie.
Email: miranda.debie@unibra.com. Mobile phone: + 32 [0] 495.50.39.31

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